03 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 The Bible was Like Wikipedia

The Bible can serve as a prototypical example. Like Wikipedia, the Bible’s authorship was shared, largely anonymous, and cumulative, and the obscurity of the individual authors served to create an oracle-like ambience for the document as “the literal word of God.” If we take a nonmetaphysical view of the Bible, it serves as a link to our ancestors, a window into human nature and our cultural origins, and can be used as a source of solace and inspiration. Someone who believes in a person...
Folksonomies: wikipedia bible wiki
Folksonomies: wikipedia bible wiki
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Written anonymously by many authors, which produced an oracle quality about it that allow it to become a tool for manipulation.

17 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 Ronald Reagan's Memory Problems

President Ronald Reagan, who spent World War Two in Hollywood, vividly described his own role in liberating Nazi concentration camp victims. Living in the film world, he apparently confused a movie he had seen with a reality he had not. On many occasions in his Presidential campaigns, Mr Reagan told an epic story of World War Two courage and sacrifice, an inspiration for all of us. Only it never happened; it was the plot of the movie A Wing and a Prayer - that made quite an impression on me, ...
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Reagan recalled things as real that happened only in his movies, what does this mean for humans and major policy decisions?